When using Plucky, there are several options for listening to streaming music while excluding album cover art.
Spotify app
Spotify’s desktop app can be neutralized so that songs are playable but all images/videos are gutted. Here’s how:
Log in your account in the desktop app. This requires
allow spotify.com
to be in your config. Once you are logged in, delete the rule allowing spotify.com. -
Add the following rules to your config:
allow audio-ak-spotify-com.akamaized.net allow audio4-ak-spotify-com.akamaized.net allow apresolve.spotify.com allow gue1-spclient.spotify.com feature system
At this point music can be listened to because of the allowed hosts rules, but feature system guts everything else. Unfortunately, this includes the search functionality as well. It can be restored but will come with a small amount of album art for some reason.
If you want to be able to search at the risk of some album art being visible, add this:
allow gue1-dealer.spotify.com
Finally, delete the cache to remove images that were downloaded from before. You can do this either of two ways:
- In the Spotify app, go to your User in the top right and from the dropdown menu Settings > Storage > Clear Cache
- In File Explorer go to
and delete everything in this folder
Spotify app
Follow instructions from Windows | Desktop Spotify
The only difference is the location of the cache, which can be found in ~/Library/Application Support/Spotify/PersistentCache/Storage
Spotify app
Follow instructions from Windows | Spotify app
The only difference is the location of the cache, which can be found in ~/.cache/spotify/Storage
Streaming music services that work with Pluckeye on Android
Streaming music services that do not work with Pluckeye on Android
Streaming services that can work with HeartGuard
No artwork, just sound:
port 443 for these 4 hosts:
On Android, using HeartGuard, allowing only the follow hosts let me listen to a podcast with John Mark Comer without seeing any art android.googleapis.com api2.branch.io audio4-ak.spotifycdn.com clienttoken.spotify.com connectivitycheck.gstatic.com daylist.spotifycdn.com encore.scdn.co guc3-spclient.spotify.com
Unknown, other services
- siriusxm
Last updated: 2024-09-27