If you’re not already a Plucky user, you may want to take a look at the non-user FAQ instead of this page.

How do I install / uninstall Plucky?

See how to install.

What operating systems does Plucky support?

Plucky supports Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android.

See platforms.

See tips.

What browsers does Plucky work with?

Only Chrome and its variants are fully supported. See Browsers.

When the system feature is enabled (which used to be known as level 2), Plucky will block all browsers with which it does not integrate, such as Internet Explorer and Safari.

Where do I type the pluck commands that are mentioned on this site?

See command line basics and notation.

Note that many people use Plucky without typing anything, ever.

How do I configure Plucky?

See how-to-configure.

How do I whitelist a site?

There are a couple ways. The most common way is to click the Plucky button () in the browser, and then click “allow”.

You can also type in a console:

pluck + allow example.com

Keep in mind that no matter how you do this, the new setting will only be effective after the Plucky delay waiting period.

For more information on adding rules, see rules.

Wait, Plucky block all images?!!

Yes, by default, all images on the Internet are blocked.

Get over it.

Most Plucky users allow sites and/or use scheduling rules so they can see images on some or many sites. Plucky is designed to be configured by the user.

Before you think this is nuts, consider: if you could only have the Internet without images, would that improve or degrade your quality of life in the Grand Scheme? Seriously, think about this before configuring Plucky to be liberal.

How do I block only “bad sites”?

See how to block only bad sites.

How do I schedule allowing or blocking of a website?

  1. Click the Plucky button in your browser (in the top right corner).
  2. On the “New Rule” page that opens, select what you want the new rule to do using the “action” and “location” drop-down menus.
  3. Click “advanced”.
  4. Use the “schedule” drop down menu to select when you want the rule to have effect. (Select “other…” for times of day and days of the week.)

Alternatively, you can also use when in a console:

pluck + when 8-12 allow example.com

How do I completely cut off Internet access at night?

To schedule daily blackouts from midnight to 6am (0-6) and from 9pm to midnight (21-24):

pluck + when 0-6,21-24 block everything

The above is almost always coupled with ensure the system feature is active as well as a long delay. For example,

pluck + when 0-6,21-24 system
pluck + when 0-6,21-24 delay 1d

How do I block or allow part of a website, but not all of it?

You can add a rule to block or allow specific urls. For example,

pluck + allow https://example.com/good
pluck + block https://example.com/bad

How do I transfer (export/import) my Plucky settings between computers?

See synchronizing configuration.

How do I manually remove a rule?

There are 3 ways , but usually by clicking del

What is the complete syntax for configuration?

See figs and rules.

Can I whitelist a URL using wildcards or pattern matching?

Yes, and no. Matching by literal urls and url prefixes are both supported, as is matching by media type.

Full regular expressions support is not yet implemented, and may never be. If you would like regex support, feel free to request the feature.

Does https://u.pluckeye.net/ collect data about users? What’s your privacy policy?

See the privacy policy, which is short and easy to read.

Can Plucky notify my accountability partner?

See how to get supporters.

I share a computer with others. Is it possible for some users to use Plucky while other users are completely oblivious to Plucky’s presence?

Yes. You can simply allow by user. E.g.,

pluck + allow user:susan
pluck + allow user:\\paravel\polly

How can I watch videos on YouTube?

See youtube.

See safe.

How do I block torrents?

pluck + block application/x-bittorrent

How can I block qbittorent?

You can uninstall the program and block future download using something like the no programs configuration.

Or you can block the program by name with pluck + block program qbittorrent.

How do I block all websites except a few select ones?

If you only want access to ok.com and pluckeye.net:

pluck + block
pluck + allow pluckeye.net
pluck + allow ok.com

How do I block downloading of a live ISO?

pluck + block application/x-iso9660-image

How do I block or unblock PDFs or other documents?

To allow PDFs or .docx files or other documents on specific sites, one generally just allows a url, or a domain. E.g.,

pluck + allow http://my-college.edu/courses
pluck + allow my-church.or

To block PDFs on most sites:

pluck + block application/pdf

See also the no-documents configuration.

How do I block downloading of all programs?

Try the no-programs configuration

Or, pluck + block application/download

If you want to block more programs regardless of whether or not they are downloaded or installed, you can use pluck + nhb.

How do I block all downloads?

Plucky supports a pseudo-type, “application/download” specifically to control “downloads.”

pluck + block application/download

That said, downloads typically have a separate, true media type and can be allowed or blocked.

How do I block audio by default?

pluck + block audio/

Does Plucky interfere with the Mac App Store, iTunes, and Apple Mail? If so, how can I use them?

It depends on your Plucky settings, and your version of Mac OS X.

The App Store, in macOS 10.13 or so and above:

pluck + allow program App Store
pluck + allow program commerce


pluck + allow program iTunes


pluck + allow program Mail

Note that you may need to configure Mail.


For Gmail accounts, you will need to enable the less secure apps option.

Note that the above settings will not permit images in most HTML email. Such images can’t be allowed at present without also allowing all of Safari, a feature that almost no Plucky user wants.

If you use macOS 10.12 or below, you may not be able to allow the App Store without also allowing Safari. In which case, a periodic allowance for WebKit might be useful. For example, to allow WebKit (includes Safari and the App Store) on Mondays from 10am to 12pm:

pluck + allow program App Store
pluck + when M10-12 allow program com.apple.WebKit

How do I block the Windows App Store?

The Microsoft App Store is blocked by the NHB feature. But if NHB is too severe for you and you are using Plucky v0.99.24+, the app store can be blocked with

pluck + block program winstore.app.exe

How do I allow all websites and then only block specific ones?

Really? With Plucky? Shrug.

pluck clear

Then block the sites you want to block.

How do I reset Plucky to its default settings, with all images being blocked?

pluck factoryreset

This will overwrite your existing configuration. If you want to save a copy of your configuration for later, use the export command.

What if Plucky doesn’t block enough for my tastes?

You may want to enable the NHB feature.

Does Plucky support password protection?

Yes. Plucky allows you to restrict your device so that a password is necessary to configure it. The restricted device feature is intended for other control (such as parental control) rather than self control.

How can I use my network printer with the system feature enabled?

pluck + allow port 3910
pluck + allow port 3911

How can I enforce use of a particular DNS server?

See how to enforce a dns filtering service.

How do I access github.com, rubygems.org, npmjs.org, and heroku.com from the command line?

If you are using Linux or macOS, like so:

pluck + allow github.com

Typical symptoms of this FAQ:

$ git clone https://github.com/plujon/fmemopen
Cloning into 'fmemopen'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/plujon/fmemopen/': Couldn't connect to server
$ bundle install
Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please see the Bundler
troubleshooting documentation at http://bit.ly/bundler-issues. Thanks!
/usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/net/http.rb:879:in `initialize': Permission denied - connect(2) for "rails-assets.org" port 443 (Errno::EACCES)
$ heroku logs
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: blah
Password (typing will be hidden): blah
!    Unable to connect to Heroku API, please check internet connectivity and try again.

The solution to all of the above:

pluck + allow github.com
pluck + allow rubygems.org
pluck + allow rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net
pluck + allow npmjs.org
pluck + allow heroku.com
sleep $(pluck delay)
git clone https://github.com/plujon/fmemopen
\# Cloning into 'fmemopen'...

Also useful to some folks:

pluck + allow program:git
pluck + allow program:git-remote-http

How do I allow pip packages?

On Linux:

pluck + allow pypi.org
pluck + allow pythonhosted.org

How do I use Homebrew on mac OS with the system feature enabled?

To use Homebrew, run the following commands in a terminal.

cat >~/.pluckeye.homebrew.env <<EOF
export HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER=pluckeye
export HOMEBREW_CURL_PATH=/usr/local/bin/curl
for i in ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_login ~/.profile; do
    [ -f $i ] && break
echo source ~/.pluckeye.homebrew.env >>$i
source ~/.pluckeye.homebrew.env

After that, allow the hosts that homebrew requires. E.g.:

pluck + allow bintray.com
pluck + allow gnu.org

Another approach is to edit /usr/local/Homebrew/Dockerfile, inserting HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_FILTERING=1 before brew tap homebrew/core, and then to run brew update.

Alternatively, you could use a periodic whiteout. E.g., to reserve time on Saturdays from 12pm to 2pm for homebrew updating:

pluck + when A12-14 allow everything

See when and everything to understand how this works.

How do I unblock a program such as Steam?

First, start the program. In this case, we’ll use the program Steam as an example. Then run pluck verdicts to see what the names of the blocked programs are.

pluck verdicts

Finally, allow programs with that name.

pluck + allow program steamwebhelper.exe
pluck + allow program Steam.exe

For minecraft, one might use

pluck + allow program:minecraft
pluck + allow program:java

You could instead allow by IP addresses if the IPs used by the programs are stable.

On Linux, instead of allowing by program name, you can allow by domain name. E.g.:

pluck + allow steampowered.com
pluck + allow steamcommunity.com
pluck + allow steamgames.com
pluck + allow steamusercontent.com
pluck + allow steamcontent.com
pluck + allow steamstatic.com
pluck + allow akamaihd.net

How do I allow or unblock Microsoft teams?

On Windows:

pluck + allow program teams.exe

How do I modify Plucky configurations in an ordinary text editor?

If you only want to add settings:

pluck export >settings.txt
$EDITOR settings.txt
pluck import settings.txt

If you want to remove a lot of settings:

pluck export >settings.txt
$EDITOR settings.txt
pluck clear
pluck import settings.txt

But using the users site may be easier.

How do I temporarily override a “block otherwise” rule?

Remove the rule (e.g. by running pluck - block otherwise in a a console window), wait for your delay to pass, do whatever you need to do, and then restore the rule (pluck + block otherwise). If you find that you do this often, consider whether combining a when rule with block otherwise (so that block otherwise only sometimes has effect) would be better for you.

How do I temporarily unblock a block for a specific website?

We’ll use Facebook as an example. Let’s say you normally block Facebook, like this:

block facebook.com

If you want to use Facebook unfiltered for 10 minutes, you could do this:

pluck + when now+10m allow facebook.com

If you want to only allow Facebook, except for images and video, you could do this:

pluck + when now+10m allow facebook.com
pluck + when now+10m block facebook.com image/
pluck + when now+10m block facebook.com video/

How do I allow or require another person to approve changes to a Plucky configuration?

See expedite and restricted devices.

Can I increase the delay beyond a week?

This question is usually asked by people who have not actually tried using a 7 day delay. Have you tried using a 7 day delay and found it ineffective in practice? If so, feel free to let us know.

Plucky does allow you to restrict your device if you want to give up control.

In times past, Plucky did support a longer delay, but nobody, as in zero people ever, who used the longer delay ever reported that it made a real life difference for them. In the face of a longer delay, all of them found other ways to feed their addiction, some of them quite destructive. Are you any different? If you want a delay longer than 7 days, that is a red flag that may indicate you are attempting to to throw the painful burden of choosing out of your addiction onto something else, such as Plucky. It won’t work. You must bear your own load. If this paragraph speaks to you, please use one or more resources aimed at the whole person, such as those listed on https://resources.pluckeye.net/ . Plucky can be a helpful tool for dealing with impulse control, but it is no replacement for you.

Where can I get more help and/or find more Plucky documentation?

See help and pluck more-help.

How do I cancel my subscription?

See the how to subscribe page.

How do I update the credit card associated with my subscription?

Visit the remuneration page and pretend you are going to subscribe. You should then see a form that allows you to manage your subscription.

How do I change my subscription level?

Because there is no interface yet (as of 2024-07-13) to do this, you need to first cancel your subscription, and then resubscribe. The difference will be automatically prorated.

How do I play Fortnite and avoid BattlEye problems while Plucky is installed?

From https://www.reddit.com/r/pluckeye/comments/v7c8b3/allowing_fortnitebattleye_with_pluckypluckeye/ :

``` bash
pluck + allow program beservice.exe
pluck + allow program beservice_fn.exe
pluck + allow program beservice_x64.exe
pluck + allow program easyanticheat.exe
pluck + allow program easyanticheat_eos.exe
pluck + allow program easyanticheat_setup.exe
pluck + allow program epicgameslauncher.exe
pluck + allow program epicwebhelper.exe
pluck + allow program fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe
pluck + allow program fortniteclient-win64-shipping_be.exe
pluck + allow program fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe
pluck + allow program fortnitelauncher.exe
pluck + allow program wddriveservice.exe

Why does Plucky allow X?

It might be a bug. Or, it might be that you’ve configured Plucky to allow X.

See verdicts and verdicts in the browser

Why aren’t images blocked?

Unlike previous versions, Plucky 1.14 does not block images or videos by default. If you want the classic behavior, you can import the classic configuration.

How can I reset my Andoff password?

You can reset your Andoff password once a year using the password unlock prompt within Andoff itself. You should not close and reopen the challenge multiple times. Instead, open the password reset challenge once, enter that on https://u.pluckeye.net/ , and then use it. You may want to consider using Andoff’s delay instead of a password.

Note that Andoff versions below 1.8.4 have a bug in which password reset fails about 1/3 of the time. If that happens to you, contact us and we can reset your unlock request count for you.

What does block early:true mean and how do I avoid it?

The most common cause of a persistent block early:true page when using Pluckeye on Android is a configuration that is too large. See android for more information about configuration size and performance effects on Android.

On Windows, macOS, or Linux, block early:true can occr for a number of reasons. Usually it only lasts a second, but sometimes it lasts longer, especially on versions of Plucky that have certain bugs. In Plucky 1.16.x this can occur, for example, when the computer is first powered on after a nightly blackout (e.g., pluck + when 0-5,21-24 block everything). Usually, simply waiting about 2 minutes and restarting the browser makes the problem go away. Less frequently, pluck repair is needed to resolve the problem.

Unanswered question?

After you have registered on https://u.pluckeye.net/ , support can often be had in the private Plucky forum and sometimes in support chat. You can also contact us.

Last updated: 2024-07-13