On Android, our team ships 2 products:

  1. Andoff, a tool to lock down an Android device.
  2. Pluckeye, a browser that can be installed on Android.

This page is about the second product: a browser on Android named Pluckeye (i.e., an alternative Chrome).

Getting it

Pluckeye on Android can be downloaded from https://getplucky.net/?os=android . It used to be in the Play Store, but Google removed it because Pluckeye downloads an H.264 codec plugin to play H.264 videos (just like Firefox of old).


  1. Don’t use many tabs.

  2. If websites stop loading, try closing every single tab.

  3. Keep your configuration small.

Using it

Only use 1 or 2 tabs

Pluckeye on Android gets rather slow if too many tabs are open. If only one or two tabs are used, it is more likely to respond quickly.

Keep your configuration small

Pluckeye on Android may perform poorly with large configurations. It depends to some extent on the power of the device, but in general, smaller configurations will work better.

If your configuration is too large, you will see this message:

Warning: Unresponsive script

A script on on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

Script: moz-extension://…

or you will see this block page, and it won’t go away:

block early:true

That usually means you have too many rules for the Plucky’s tiny brain on Android.

How to synchronize a Firefox account

Pluckeye on Android has support for synchronizing Firefox accounts. If you’d like to do this, visit about:accounts?action=signin in Pluckeye on Android to set it up.

Status and future

Pluckeye is a bit old, and some websites do not work well in it. And worse, any WiX website will flatly refuse to load.

Thanks a lot, WiX team!

For these reasons, as of this writing (2023-06-13), a new version of Pluckeye in the works, but it is not yet complete. We will update this page when a beta is available.

Last updated: 2024-05-22